Introducing the Newest Members of the ODTUG 2024 Board of Directors

The ODTUG Board of Directors election process closed last week, and we are delighted to introduce your newest board members.

It is the duty of the board to conduct the affairs of the organization in support of its mission and purposes. The new board members will take office on January 1, 2024, with a first order of business to, per the bylaws, appoint their own officers.

Due to a recent change, the 2024 fiscal year will end on August 31, 2024; all subsequent ODTUG fiscal years shall be from September 1 to August 31.

Here are the voting members of your 2024 ODTUG Board of Directors:


Sara Beth Good, Alithya

Sara Beth is from Houston, TX, and has been actively involved in the EPM community for over 15 years, 11 of which have been focused on the successful delivery of Oracle EPM to various clients.

As a new board member, her goals for the organization are to grow community involvement and membership, increase networking and professional development opportunities, and source the most cutting-edge and insightful Oracle technical content for our community.

Sara Beth has served in various volunteer roles within ODTUG, and is currently serving as the EPM Chair for Kscope24.


Kate Helmer, Huron Consulting Group

As a part of the Oracle ecosystem for the past 13+ years, Kate focuses on helping customers and Oracle developers learn and gain value from implementing Oracle technologies.

Kate likes to give back to the Oracle developer community via sharing information on her blog, www.HyperionBarbie.com, mentoring/coaching others to apply for the Oracle ACE program and attending and presenting at ODTUG KScope and other Oracle conferences.

Kate calls ODTUG an “Oracle-centric community promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration, and professional growth” and plans to focus on continuing to invest in the key charters of learning, networking, and growing professionally.


Neviana Zhgaba, GE Healthcare

Neviana—a current board member who has been reelected to another term—describes herself as “a woman in technology, an Oracle ACE Alumni and a dedicated ODTUG member.” She is a Digital Finance & Analytics Agile leader with 12 years of experience leading cross-functional teams at GE and BNY Mellon.

As an ODTUG board member, Neviana has worked to increase engagement, give more visibility through virtual and in-person initiatives, and provide more opportunities to engage in WIT mentoring activities. She really enjoys serving this “Fantastic crowd of ORACLE DISTINGUISHED TECHNICAL UNDENIABLE GEEKS.”


These individuals will join these other returning voting members on the 2024 board:
Jim Czuprynski
Roel Hartman
Debra Lilley
Kurt Mayer
Jackie McElroy
Edward Roske

Thanks to all candidates and voters for your participation!

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