ODTUG Elections – Vote Now!

Elections for the 2018-19 ODTUG Board of Directors are underway — vote now!

Exercise your right as an ODTUG member and vote for the board. This may be the most important thing you can do for ODTUG.

Why vote for the board? Why is it important?

ODTUG board members determine the current and future direction of ODTUG, setting strategic goals for the organization, and executing that plan throughout the two-year term. They develop educational programs and marketing campaigns to attract new members, and, of course, work with the conference committee to design ODTUG Kscope conferences. The board is also your voice to Oracle Corporation, bringing you and other members in touch with key product managers at ODTUG events, online, and in person.

You, the ODTUG members, have an important decision to make. Who do you want to represent you as your board, the directors that will determine ODTUG’s goals and track? Board members face tough questions, including:

  • Do we need more (or fewer) Meetups? On what topics?
  • What is the direction of the Database community?
  • Where do tools like Node.js and Docker belong within ODTUG, or do they belong at all?
  • How can ODTUG reach and engage more millennial members?
  • How do we provide our members with the latest and best in Oracle tools technology, as that technology is changing under out feet, or rather, above our heads into the cloud?

It is your right — and your responsibility — as an ODTUG member to vote for the candidates you feel can best form our future in the direction you feel it should go. 

By now, you have received your voting email from Association Voting providing you with an email address and member ID. Please use that information to log in.

Can't locate the email? Click here and then click on the help button to request the information be resent.

Please do two things: 

  1. Read all the candidates’ statements carefully.
  2. Then vote for the candidates you feel are best able to guide ODTUG for the next two years.

Let’s keep ODTUG serving our members in the best way possible.

Thank you, and good luck to all the candidates!

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