Board Liaison: Oracle_ACE Program_Spade_Associate_rgb.png Kurt Mayer email: kurt@odtug.com  twitter: @KurtFromSupport

Community Leaders Oracle_ACE Program_Spade_Pro_rgb.png Megha Chopra and Oracle_ACE Program_Spade_Pro_rgb.png Mohit Jain

Welcome to the Oracle Developer & Technology User Group EPM community.

Let this serve as your portal to all things related to Oracle EPM – a blog feed, a glimpse at all the EPM content in the Technical Database, and a listing of upcoming EPM-related events.
Check out the most recent blogs from industry experts. Like what you read? Click through on the title to visit the author’s blog. Would you like to see your blog featured here? Drop a note to odtug@odtug.com.

EPM Community News

Supplemental Data Manager: An Untapped Gem of Close Consolidation

Supplemental Data Manager: An Untapped Gem of Close Consolidation

“Supplemental Data” means accounting supplemental records. The detailed information utmost required for accounting but is outside the scope of typical accounting, like postings in general ledger, etc. Data sitting in these records is typically additional required information which helps management a

EPM Woman of the Quarter

EPM Woman of the Quarter

Meet Jennifer Gammons, ODTUG's EPM Woman of the Quarter. Read the interview below to learn more about her origins and what Jennifer does to leave her mark on EPM.


How did you get into a career in the EPM technology space?

I stumbled into a career in EPM due to my company's need for someone to a

2023 EPM February Newsletter

2023 EPM February Newsletter

Greetings from the EPM community! We hope you all are doing well. We are excited to have another opportunity to interact with our EPM community. We look forward to seeing you at ODTUG Kscope23 from June 25 to June 29, 2023!

Calendar of Events

No Calendar Items Exist.

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