Sponsored Blog Post: Software-Defined Data Center to Support Applications Deployment


(Editor's Note: This sponsored blog post from HTBase is part of our Vendor Partner Program.)

A few years back, HTBase launched in the market what still is the only Hyperion Essbase hot backup and clustering tool, named HTBackup, and quickly attracted the interest of many large organizations.

For a couple of years now, HTBase has focused on what the organization believes to be the next technology that will transform the way organizations manage their IT infrastructure: Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) solutions.

Organizations are looking to transform the way they plan and operate the IT infrastructure as a way to reduce cost and complexity. Improving the overall availability of their applications as an agile, reliable, and secure environment is an absolute necessity to support deployments. 

At the same time, Enterprise IT is under enormous pressure to deliver more value to the business. To meet the challenge, IT must embrace an environment free of traditionally complex and rigid infrastructure operations. 

Companies are looking for ways to get more web-scale infrastructure capabilities in their environment without needing a complete overhaul. They use standard server virtualization from companies such as VMware and run a host of common off-the-shelf applications. They have little to no control over how these applications are designed and don’t have a team in place to learn about new web-scale technologies.

In response to that, HTBase created HTVCenter. This allows your organization to group any hardware you have and manage it at the resource level – independently and by memory, processor, and storage.

Different from technologies such as VMware and Citrix, HTVCenter can create virtual machines combining resources from multiple machines, such as memory from two different servers and storage from both an x86 server and any storage. You can even combine memory from two or three different servers and storage from Amazon, creating a hybrid cloud.

One of the purposes of HTVCenter is to help organizations accelerate the move to cloud helping them build an internal cloud structure but on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) style. That allows IT to respond more quickly to the business needs, better support applications deployment, scale up environments, have better hardware control and utilization, and decouple from hardware-specific solutions.

Although it fully integrates with technologies such as VMware, Citrix, major storage brands, and so on, with HTVCenter you don’t need to have VMware or EMC in place as it has all these capabilities. This supports one of the goals of using the solution, which is to drastically reduce costs. As AWS, you can also use HTVCenter to bill your departments or business units that are consuming hardware from the data center, eliminating the need to try to find how much it costs to support a business area that needs more hardware for a software implementation.

HTBase will be presenting a short webinar on May 19 at 2:00 PM EDT, which will discuss how clients are using HTVCenter and its benefits. Please register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6058947151910221570.

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