The ODTUG Board of Directors Elections Are Now Open!

And so it begins…

The annual process of voting for your candidates of choice to represent you on the ODTUG Board of Directors has begun again. This year, there are five openings and 19 candidates. WOW!

Instead of suggesting how you should vote or criteria for you to consider (you can search for other blog posts on that from me and others), my biggest hope for you is that if you are a paid ODTUG member you exercise your right to VOTE!

You see, we as a Board of Directors serve the members of ODTUG. While we all have our own specialties, as Board Members we represent the best interests of the entire ODTUG community. This means we have to take into account not what is best for one community or the other but rather what is best for the organization. It is a big responsibility, but one that we all accept as our responsibility when we have been elected to serve you.

Often, ODTUG elections come down to very slim margins of obtaining one of the few seats available. That’s why every vote counts. Vote for experience. Vote for new faces. Vote for your friend. Vote for the best candidates (that’s how I’m going to vote, based on what I feel each candidate provides and what I see as the needs for the organization). Vote for consultants. Vote for Oracle customers. Vote for those with previous volunteer experience within ODTUG. Vote for whatever you’d like, but just vote.

This is the prime time for you to exercise your rights as a member of ODTUG. Your vote counts just as much as mine, or Monty’s, or the member in Australia, or the APEX consultant in Arizona, or the EPM analyst in California, or the vendor in Chicago, or any other ODTUG member. And so, by voting, you are making sure your voice is heard. Individual and corporate members who were in good standing as of September 30 are eligible to vote and should have received an email from Association Voting with voting instructions. Contact Erin@odtug.com with any questions.

The final question you might have is who am I going to vote for? Well, as a sitting Board Member, I would prefer to remain publicly silent about who my choices are going to be. There are many deserving candidates with diverse backgrounds and diverse skill sets. Many of the candidates would be excellent Board Members. 

This election is very important to the future of the organization. It determines over 50% of the Board representation for the next two years. Don’t leave it up to chance. Don’t leave it up to someone else.

The power is in your hands – equally, between all paid members. Make it count. VOTE! Voting ends Tuesday, October 27, 2015, at 11:59 PM PDT, so don't delay.

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