#Kscope 12: Content and Presenter Selection Process

David-schleis-kscope12-content-chair.jpgGuest Blogger: David Schleis ODTUG Board

According to the GPS, I am currently traveling at just over 500 miles per hour east, and back to the future. Reflecting on the experiences of the last few days at Oracle Open World, I am reminded of my last visit to California for the Kscope11 conference in Long Beach. Now that was a conference! From the volunteer day on Saturday to the wrap-up session on Thursday, a cornucopia of learning, sharing, networking, friendship and fun.

This, in turn gets me thinking toward the future, and Kscope12. Edward was not exaggerating when he said that the meetings for Kscope12 began the day Kscope11 concluded, and they have been continuing steadily ever since.

While this year’s conference was the best ever by many measures, we are not content to simply rest on our ample laurels. So, in the name of continuous improvement, we are making a few changes for next year right out of the gate.

Due to the increase in the breadth of subject matter that we cover, ten tracks next year, we have divided the Content Chair into two positions. The exceptionally talented Natalie Delmar is in charge of Essbase, Business Intelligence, Hyperion Applications, EPM Business Content and EPM Beginner. While The Application Express, Database, Developer’s Toolkit, Fusion Middleware and Hardware tracks will be under my purview. Each of these tracks is headed up by an exceptional talent, who selects their own team of subject matter experts. These teams are in charge of selecting abstracts, and creating the schedule of presentations that make up the bulk of your Kscope experience.

*Get your Kscope 12 Abstract submission in before October 28th deadline!*

In another change for next year we are attempting to remove any bias from the abstract selection process using a specially designed scientific selection process that utilizes aspects of chaos theory as applied to statistical analysis. The process begins by separating all of the abstracts by track and arranging them in a 5X5 matrix based on track. This arrangement is then placed on the floor, and, here is the scientific part, we have a chicken that has been fed a special diet…

I have just been informed that the chicken bingo selection methodology of removing reviewer bias has been rejected in favor of the following:

  • Abstracts will be graded by the track teams on content alone, without knowledge of the author.
  • Presenters will be graded based on their bio, experience and first-hand knowledge.
  • After the grading period is closed, the teams will get reports listing the abstracts, authors and total scores.
  • This information will be used to assist in the selection of the best content possible.

It is our desired goal that this process will open the door to more first time speakers at Kscope by allowing the strength of their abstracts to better balance their anonymity. As a former completely unknown first time abstract submitter, I fully appreciate the importance of that first opportunity, because you never know where it may lead. So, rookie or veteran, if you have not submitted an abstract yet, submit one today! The deadline is October 28, but if your schedule is anything like mine, that day will be here before you know it, so do it now!

On another note, if you are an ODTUG member, and if you are reading this you probably are, the time is now to make your voice heard. Because now is the time that you are able to cast your votefor the individuals that will represent you on the ODTUG Board of Directors. Voting is quick and easy, and important. Do it now! (And then submit your abstract.)

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