Hyperion SIG Newsletter

A Note from the Hyperion SIG President
By Deanna Sunde

What is a SIG? Wikipedia’s definition says: “A Special Interest Group (SIG) is a community with an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology, where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences.”

To me, the most relevant word in this description is “community.” ODTUG and the Hyperion SIG are always on the lookout for how to strengthen our community. The most observable way we do this is through the annual Kscope conference, but we have many other ways—the ODTUG Technical Corner, the Hyperion SIG newsletter, webcasts, regional meetings, online content at ODTUG.com, and our LinkedIn sites. We encourage you to take advantage of all of these fantastic resources. We are always looking for new, fresh content to deliver to our members. Embrace the ODTUG community and submit your articles, tips and tricks, and webcasts today to ODTUGHyperionSIG@gmail.com.

The SIG Board of Directors very actively participates in the Kscope conference. Our board members are currently participating in the presentation selection process for Kscope14. Two of our current board members are track leaders. Registration is now open! Visit Kscope14.com to sign up. Read below for details on the early bird rate. Please feel free to email us with any feedback. I hope you will take a few moments to read through this newsletter and find some useful information.

Kscope14 Early Bird Registration

Sign up for Kscope14 before March 25 to receive the $1,500 early bird rate for members. With plans under way for Kscope14, we’d like to thank all of our sponsors—especially our platinum sponsors, Applied Olap, Interrel Consulting, and Vertical Edge—for making this an outstanding event. Check out our other great sponsors and exhibitors here.

See you in Seattle!

Running Oracle EPM on Virtual Machines
By Eric Helmer  

What Is a Virtual Machine?
Wikipedia defines a virtual machine as “a simulation of a machine (abstract or real) that is usually different from the target machine (where it is being simulated on).” In essence, it is a fully functioning software version of an operating system/host that acts as its own independent host, sometimes referred to as a “guest.” It is possible and common to house many guests on one physical host. Virtual machines can run an operating system on non-standard chipset—for example, running windows on a Unix box, and vice versa. Read the full article here

Two Stupid Tricks in One
By Cameron Lackpour  

Okay, one of these tricks is definitely not stupid. It’s actually kind of awesome. The other one isn’t stupid either, unless, of course, you do what I did. I know, I know. Why would you want to read about something not terribly bright? Mostly because: a.) it’s amusing to watch an “expert” shoot himself in the foot and b.) this “expert” could be you. Let me make the mistakes and you learn/be amused. Click here to read more. 

Calculate Compensation Budgets in Hyperion PSPB
Craig Adams, Mo'mix Solutions

You’ve created a Human Capital Plan application in Hyperion, performed all of the initial configuration requirements, loaded the source data, established security, mapped the compensation budget to the line item budget and now the departments are given the “go ahead” to begin preparing their budgets. Well, that’s a high-level introduction explaining a few steps taken before users can actually begin using Oracle’s Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting module to calculate their compensation budgets. Read more here.

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