Join interRel at Kscope14

interrel1.jpgJoin interRel at Kscope14 in Seattle, Washington, June 22-26 at the Sheraton Seattle, for what is unquestionably the BEST Oracle EPM/BI conference in the world! interRel is proud to be a 6-time Platinum Sponsor at the 2014 ODTUG Kscope Conference, continuing our strong commitment to the Oracle Development Tools User Group, along with our long-standing experience with Oracle EPM/BI products.
Check out interRel’s 12 conference sessions including:

* Hyperion Planning MythBusters: Facts vs. Myths!
* Face Off: Hyperion Calc Manager vs. Essbase Calc Scripts
* OBIEE for Essbase and Hyperion Users: There's Nothing to Be Afraid Of
* What Smart View Does That the Excel Add-In Never Could, and so many more!

We’ll have our Oracle ACE Directors, Edward Roske, Glenn Schwartzberg, and Tracy McMullen offering their insight into the future of Oracle EPM/BI along with expert consultants Courtney Foster, Joe Aultman, and Wayne Van Sluys going under the covers of Hyperion and OBIEE.

Make sure to stop by our booth, 303, to talk with our staff and check out our uniquely-themed venue that will draw you in the second you enter the exhibitor’s hall area. Talk with one of our experts about our Strategic Assessments, Support Offerings, why you should upgrade to the latest version in your development environment, or just say hi if it’s been a year since we’ve seen you.

We’ll also have our latest books available to purchase from our best-selling series, Look Smarter Than You Are, including the FIRST EVER interrel2.jpgadvanced Oracle EPM book: Look Smarter Than You Are With Oracle Hyperion Planning 11.1.2: Advanced Hyperion Planning. Other available titles include Creating Hyperion Oracle Hyperion Planning Applications, Oracle Hyperion Planning for End Users, Oracle Smart View, Oracle Essbase Studio, and Oracle Essbase 11 for Administrators. Click HERE to purchase a copy directly from our publisher, Lulu.com.     

We look forward to seeing everyone from across the country while we participate in the largest conference for Oracle EPM/BI users! KEEP CALM AND HYPERI-ON.

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