Almost Time for Kscope14

The days are numbered before we are all together in Seattle! Just a few quick reminders to help you prepare for the week:

  • Registration – Registration is open on Saturday, June 21, from 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. on the 6th floor of the Washington State Convention Center. After that, registration begins at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday and Monday. Check the agenda for daily schedules.
  • Community Service Day – If you have already signed up to attend Community Service Day on Saturday, June 21, please meet at the Fountain Wine Bar in the Sheraton Seattle at 7:30 a.m. to have breakfast and pick up T-shirts. Buses to the site will leave at 8:20 a.m. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes (no flip flops). Gloves and tools will be provided. If you did not sign up to participate in Community Service Day but you would like to, show up at the Fountain Wine Bar on Saturday morning. Chances are you will be able to join the group on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Mobile App – Download the FREE Kscope14 (search Kscope14 at the Android, Google Play, or App Store) or log in via your computer (https://kscope14.gatherdigital.com). This app allows you to build your schedule, download presentations, rate the presenters, and contact fellow attendees. The app syncs across your devices! (Please note: When you initialize the app, you must create a new password to access all features. It is not the same password as your ODTUG password.) Want to see the schedule in a grid format before you receive your printed Schedule at a Glance onsite? Check this out – but keep in mind the most up-to-date schedule will be available on the mobile app and the schedule signs outside of the Registration Desk.
  • Hands-On Training – If you are planning to attend a Hands-On Training lab at Kscope14, check out detailed instructions to see if you need to do anything in advance.
  • Rock with ODTUG – Wednesday night is going to rock! For the Special Event at the Experience Music Project, dress up like your favorite rock star for a chance to win great prizes! If you are interested in purchasing an additional ticket for the evening, please visit the Registration Desk onsite as soon as possible, as tickets are extremely limited.
  • Conference Dress – Casual. We want you to be comfortable! Please take a look at the weather forecast – the days are warm and sunny but nighttime temperatures dip into the low 50s, so plan accordingly.
  • Usability Labs – Oracle Development Tools User Experience is looking for your feedback on new designs. Oracle is working on new tools and features specifically for developers and would particularly love to hear from mobile frontend or backend developers, or business analysts. Usability sessions are scheduled ahead of time for your convenience. If you would like to participate, please let us know which sessions you could attend by filling out the signup form at http://tinyurl.com/q6fmbd5. Attendees will be rewarded with thank-you gifts.

Be sure to check the website and mobile app for all the conference activities. We look forward to a great week in Seattle!

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