EPM Community Newsletter

Kscope14: My First Time
By Lisa Levy, SPX Corporation

In June 2014, I attended my first Kscope conference in Seattle. My expectations were exceeded with the opportunities provided to immerse ourselves in the Oracle Hyperion world. The camaraderie of colleagues filled the atmosphere as we engaged in conversations and attended sessions. I learned a lot about how to increase financial reporting efficiency with increased data integrity through Hyperion products and services. The social events allowed us to gather in a relaxed environment to network and share experiences with Oracle partners and other Hyperion users. Read more.

In This Issue

EPM Meetups (aka Kscope15 Pre-Conference Events)
By Janice D'Aloia, Mo'mix Solutions

Many of you participated in our meetups across the country over the past year or so. In particular, several of these in-person events were held leading up to the Kscope14 conference. Meetups are a great way to learn more about EPM (and other interesting topics) and also to network with like-minded people from our local areas.

We are in the process of planning events in South Florida, Dallas, Raleigh, Southern California, Seattle, and potentially Hong Kong and Australia. If you’re interested in helping to plan or host an event in one of these cities or in your hometown, please let Janice know at janice.daloia@gmail.com.

The EPM Community is here to facilitate creation of new ways for us to share information and network with each other. We can’t wait to see you out there!

Kscope15 EPM Community Night
By Courtney Foster, interRel Consulting 

Oracle EPMers from around the globe will be taking over Hollywood, Florida…not just for Kscope15 but to compete in the first-ever EPM Olympics sponsored by Secure-24, to be held on Monday, June 22, as part of Kscope15’s Community Night!

Don’t be fooled into thinking these “nerds” or “geeks” can only outmaneuver an opponent with their dashing intellect. Quite the contrary – in fact, these talented individuals can dominate in any arena! Consider the EPM Olympics at Kscope15 just another way the EPM Community members can display their pure talent. Athletes will have a series of grueling games in which to compete, most involving bean bags and hula hoops. We all do sit at desks most of the time, so no biathlon at these games!

In true EPM fashion, we would also love to encourage EPMers to sport their “nerd” pride by wearing their favorite nerd-themed shirt; It is, of course, optional, but those who do show up will be competing for the Gold Medal in Nerd Attire.

Stay tuned to all things Kscope15 for continued updates on this epic first-ever EPM Olympics sponsored by Secure-24.

Volunteering with ODTUG: A Great Experience
 By Sarah Zumbrum, interRel Consulting

In the last newsletter, I highlighted some of the volunteers working hard behind the scenes of the EPM Community. This quarter I would like to highlight how you can get involved.

There are different routes one can take to get involved in the EPM Community and ODTUG. I first got involved when I spoke at the Kscope11 conference in Long Beach. I really enjoyed my first user group experience and wanted to get involved more but was stumped as to how to do that. Read more. 

Tech Tips: Ephemeral Port Issue with Essbase Has Been Fixed!
By Tim Tow, Applied OLAP (adapted from Tim Tow's Hyperion Blog)

 The issue that has plagued a number of Essbase customers over the years related to running out of available ports has finally been fixed!

This issue, which often manifested itself with errors in the Essbase error 10420xx range, was caused by how the Essbase Java API communicated with the server. In essence, whenever a piece of information was needed, the Essbase Java API grabbed a port from the pool of available ports, did its business, and then released the port back to the pool. That doesn’t sound bad, but the problem occurs due to how Windows handles this pool of ports.  Read more

Tech Tips: Essbase VB API Is Officially Dead
By Tim Tow, Applied OLAP (adapted from Tim Tow's Hyperion Blog)

 It is with a sad heart that I bring you the news that, as of Essbase, the Essbase VB API is officially dead. I cut my teeth in Essbase working with that API way back in the mid-1990s, but the writing has been on the wall for some time. Microsoft stopped supporting VB years ago, so it was only a question of when, not if, this time would come. That being said, I haven't used the VB API for any new Essbase work since about 2001; the Essbase Java API is alive and growing, so my efforts have been there.  Read more.

ODTUG Blog Aggregator
By Opal Alapat, TopDown Consulting

 Looking for some great blog posts that speak to your respective technology area? The ODTUG blog aggregators are the answer for you! Each ODTUG community has its own blog aggregator, and these are made up of the best blogs around from each community’s leading experts. To find your community’s blog, navigate to the ODTUG website. Then find your community page (EPM is at www.odtug.com/epm) and locate the “Subscribe to the Blog Feed” button on the right side of the screen. There are a variety of application subscription options from which to choose. Or, you can copy and paste the RSS feed link to your own feeder tool. Check out these tips and tricks from your community’s visionaries, all in one place. Enjoy!

All Things Check Out These Blogs!

There are so many great blogs out there; it’s hard to keep track of them all. Using ODTUG’s blog aggregator is a wonderful way to stay on top of things. In addition, if you want to learn more about, Jennifer Anderson at Hearst Corporation has compiled a list of her favorites:

Call for Articles

Do you have something to say? We’re looking for more content like what you see in this newsletter. If you’d like to write an article, put on a webinar, or share your thoughts with the EPM Community, please contact Jennifer Anderson at JCAnderson@hearstsc.com.


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