Top Five Reasons to Attend Kscope15 for ADF/MAF Developers

ODTUG Kscope15, June 21-25 in Hollywood, Florida, is a great opportunity to leverage your training budget to gain deeper knowledge of the tools and frameworks you use in your daily work. Here are the top five reasons to join us (beyond the sea and sun):

A peek into the future
The Sunday Symposium is dedicated to the future of development on the Oracle Cloud platform. Sessions will cover the full spectrum of the development ecosystem, including hosting ADF apps on the Oracle Cloud, leveraging the cloud for application lifecycle management, and mobile development services. In addition, get a peek at some of the upcoming cloud features that will enable business users to take an active part in building their own solutions.

Deep technical sessions
With 30 technical sessions that focus on Oracle ADF, Oracle MAF, and Oracle Cloud Services, Kscope15 goes beyond the introductory level to cover best practices and deep technical insights; this is your chance to deepen your knowledge of the platform you are using on a daily basis. Sessions are delivered by Oracle product managers, Oracle ACE Directors, and Oracle ACEs who will share their knowledge directly with you.

Get hands-on with new technologies
Several Hands-On Training Labs will get you to actually code and experience the new cloud development features offered by Oracle. Get direct guidance from product experts as you take your first steps with the technologies you’ll be using during the next year.

Expand your horizons
Explore other tracks running parallel and learn more about the Oracle ecosystem, including the latest features you can leverage in the Oracle database, BI techniques, and more.

Networking opportunities
Leverage great networking opportunities for some one-on-one discussions with Oracle product managers at the Oracle demo ground booths. Catch an Oracle ACE Director or Oracle ACE and explore their knowledge over lunch. Or just party the night away in one of the other networking events spread throughout the week.

Sound interesting?
Register and make your plans to attend Kscope15!

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