Developer, DBA Communities Merge into Database Community

We are merging! ODTUG’s Developer and DBA Communities are becoming one. This new association will be known as the Database Community. We are excited to see what these combined forces will bring about.

Although developer and administrator may have very different job descriptions, the roles clearly complement each other and are often synergistic. The most finely tuned database is not much use to the average end user without front-end applications, and an application with an inefficient back end is similarly not very useful. Each of these positions offers a different perspective on how to achieve the same goal. By working together, we all can learn and grow. This co-existence (or is it co-dependence?) was the driving force behind the decision to merge the two communities into one Database Community. 

So, just what is a community? Consider the following: What were your initial reasons for joining ODTUG? Maybe, like some of us, you stumbled upon the website while searching for a solution to a tricky issue you were having in your code, or perhaps you found a great tech tip inside a previously recorded webinar or conference session in the library. And what has kept you coming back?

Great content. Great people.

We may come from very different experience levels, different geographic locations, different age groups, different skill sets, and different backgrounds, but we share a commonality - we came to ODTUG to learn, to have a voice, to meet professionals with whom we share a common bond.

This is YOUR community - and we want to hear from YOU! Need ideas on how to become more involved? 

  • Present via a webinar on a topic in which you have some expertise or special knowledge.
  • Submit a paper to the ODTUG Technical Journal.
  • Blog, blog, blog! And we'll share your posts.
  • Host a local meetup event for other database professionals in your geographic area (we can help).
  • Or if you prefer a more behind-the-scenes kind of task, why not volunteer for the community? You can show your interest in doing so on this Volunteer Form.

Check out the Database Community website. We encourage the exchange of ideas, best practices, and opportunities to keep us all on the cutting edge in the constantly changing world of the Oracle Database. We look forward to hearing from you!

Join the group for ODTUG's first TwitChat on August 19 at noon EDT. Bring your database questions, tips, or just general camaraderie to Twitter for the chat, using the hashtag #odtugdb.

1 Comment
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Looks good!

August 11, 2015 03:46 PM by Helen J. Sanders

Lookng forward to the Twitter Chat next Wednesday!

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