Looking for the Secret to Attending Two Presentations at the Same Time

john-flack.jpgNote: We are now less than two weeks away from the Early Bird Registration Deadline of March 25. Registration is going very well at the moment, and in order to ensure you are paying the lowest rate for the conference, you need to do so before the end of day on  March 25. As a bonus, those that are already registered are able to sign up for Hands On Training (as always, a FREE part of KScope). Don’t miss out on this opportunity, as the Hands On Labs are filling up quickly!

My next blog post is an interview with John Flack. John has been interviewed before for this blog. John is a long time ODTUG supporter, attendee, presenter, and is also an Oracle ACE. Instead of KScope being in John’s neck of the woods, like last year’s conference in Washington, DC, John and the conference will be across the continent on the west coast this year, in Long Beach, CA.

So, on with the questions…

MR: What’s the best thing about KScope conferences?

JF: “The food of course. I switched to the vegetarian menu to try to keep the calories down, which works well – usually. One lunch time, the meat-eaters got a nice lean grilled chicken breast, while I got a vegetarian lasagna, loaded with cheese and cream sauce. Either way, KScope has the best food of any conference I go to.”

MR: Who do you most look forward to seeing a presentation from at Kscope and why?

JF: “I keep looking for the secret to attending two presentations at the same time. Seeing as no one is presenting on that topic, I think I’m looking forward to Lucas Jellema’s presentation, ‘ADF Developers – Make the Database Work for You‘. Lucas is a fine presenter, which always amazes me because English is not his native language. And the topic sits right on the cusp between my interests in ADF and the databases.”

MR: Why KScope and not somewhere else?

JF: “Somewhere else? Is there anywhere else that I can learn so much in so short a time?”

MR: Have you been to Long Beach or visited the Queen Mary?

JF: “I’ve been through Long Beach on my way to my sister’s house in Irvine, but never stopped for long. Funny thing, one of my sister’s daughters had a wedding reception on the Queen Mary, but I was unable to attend. I’ve got a nice picture of my Dad and another of the nieces on the Queen’s deck. I’m looking forward to spending some time in Long Beach and at Lisa’s house, and I’m hoping to bring some of my family this year.”

MR: Your all time favorite KScope moment is…

JF: “…winning the Editor’s Choice Award at Kaleidoscope 2008!”

Thanks John! John has a blog that he maintains at: JJFlash’s Oracle Development Journal.

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