Upcoming ODTUG Webinars

ODTUG Online Education

Below is the list of upcoming webinars. If there is a topic you would like covered that is not on our current list, or if you would like to present a webinar, please email alicia@odtug.com.

Did you miss a webinar? Our Webinar File Library lists all of our webinars and can be filtered by subtopic (content track). As an ODTUG member, you can watch all of our past webinars at any time. Not a member? Join now for the low price of $99 per year!

Our webinar calendar is constantly evolving! Check back frequently, as more webinars will be added to the schedule.

Thursday, March 9, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Integrate Everything: How FDMEE Empowers Your Hyperion Data Movement 
John A. Booth, METAVERO

Integrate everything; how FDMEE empowers your Hyperion data movement needs SAP to FCCS, EBS to PBCS, and many things in between. We talk data, metadata, limitations, and pushing the envelope to meet requirements.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
To Build a Strong Data Integration Layer, Use ODI, DRM, and FDM!
Neil C. O'Donovan, Thirdware Solution, Inc.

Are you putting in a lot of effort to collect data from disparate transaction systems or enabling business to analyze and make critical decisions?

We enabled a leading automotive OEM to rapidly measure and react to variances of 
product/volume mix, rate and pricing resulting in a major impact on the profitability. Handling massive data in manual spreadsheets or through a complex web of disparate transaction systems is a big challenge. But, with ODI, DRM and FDM, we successfully eliminated these challenges.

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APEX.pngThursday, March 16, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Taste of Kscope17 Webinar Series 

GET POST ORDS JSON: Web Services for APEX Decoded
             Scott Spendolini, Sumner Technologies

Web Services in the APEX world are becoming more and more popular. However, there is still a lot of confusion as to what they are and how they could benefit the APEX developer. After a review of the syntax and jargon associated with web services, this session will review and boil down web services to their basic components. It will then demonstrate how APEX developers can start to use these powerful components - both to send and receive data from other sites.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
2017 CodeTalk Series - Get Your Money's Worth Out of Your Database
Chris Saxon, Oracle Corporation and Patrick Barel, AMIS Services

The CodeTalk Series is Co-sponsored by ODTUG and IOUG

Stop treating your database as a bit bucket and start using the advanced features available in the database. If you use the database to its full extent, you will not only see an increase in performance of your application, but also an increase of the productivity of the developers.

The database is one of the most important assets to your application. It is also one of the most expensive parts in your application. Most organizations don’t get the most out of their database license and treat it like a simple bit bucket. The modern Oracle database can do so much more than just store data. Features you can use ‘in the database’ include:

  • Flashback queries (what did my data look like at a certain moment in time)
  • Data Security (only read and write data you are authorized for)
  • Identity columns (12c)
  • Invisible columns (12c)

And many more, of which Chris and Patrick will cover as many as they can.

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Sign up by March 25, 2017, for the lowest possible rate!

Early Bird Rates:

$1,550 Individual and Corporate Members
$1,700 Associate Members

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