Remembering Kaleidoscope’s Past

With all the attention focused on the upcoming Kaleidoscope conference, it’s a good time to go back and remember the amazing experiences of past Kaleidoscope’s.  I asked my good friend, Monty Latiolais, for his best Kaleidoscope memory.  He had this to say…

“Funny enough, my most memorable Kaleidoscope is one I didn’t even attend. New Orleans, June 2005. Had to cancel once it became clear my son would arrive in this world at or around the conference. Couldn’t take that chance, and as it turned out he was born on the Monday morning of conference week. I haven’t made a single birthday of his since, but we celebrate before and we celebrate afterwards. I’m looking forward to bringing him to future Kaleidoscopes where we can celebrate his birthday in spectacular venues like Monterey, places of historical significance like Washington, D.C. or New Orleans, or the ever popular beach resorts of Florida. I look forward to introducing him to a few hundred of my closest friends.

You see that’s the thing about Kaleidoscope, sure it’s the technical knowledge you take with you when you leave, but it’s more, much more.

It’s friendships you never would have made had you stayed home.

It’s the networking opportunities proving to be invaluable in today’s business environment.

It’s initially being in absolute awe of Dr. Paul Dorsey, Steven Feuerstein, Duncan Mills and so many others. That didn’t last very long. It became immediately obvious that these folks were just like you and I. At Kaleidoscope they are unselfish with their time, and extremely easy to talk to.

It’s the realization that there are thousands of people out there just like you, who get insanely excited when a piece of complex code goes to production and who understand the highs and lows of developing software.

It’s at Kaleidoscope you realize we all have so much in common.”

Thanks Monty!

Many more memories await you in Monterey. We’ll see you there.

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