A Well Deserved Honor

I have a piece of great news to share with everyone…Scott Spendolini was recently named an Oracle ACE Director! Congratulations Scott! While there are certainly many deserving candidates for this honor, I cannot think that there are any that rank above Scott.

Scott’s tireless work for the Application Express Community in general, and ODTUG in particular, are just a part of the reason for this honor. Scott communicates well via his blog, discussion forum postings, and answering questions on e-mail lists. He presents at all of the major conferences, and is well received each and every time he presents. He is a well known advocate for Application Express as well.

Scott always puts forth a tremendous effort on behalf of ODTUG, whether it is lending a hand as a SIG leader, presenting at conferences, and recently, chairing two of our most recent SP Conferences, APEXposed! This year, however, Scott accepted some additional responsibilities. Scott, along with fellow Oracle ACE Directors Dimitri Gielis, John Scott, and Patrick Wolf have been put in charge of the content at ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2009 as it concerns the Application Express track. This year, for the first time ever, we will have TWO rooms with Application Express content in them for the entire main conference. In addition, we will be having hands-on training on Application Express, and a Sunday Symposium featuring APEX as well. The keynote of the Sunday Symposium will be delivered by Joel Kallman of the Application Express development team. Please check out the content as it concerns Application Express, as well as all of the other tracks at the conference by visiting www.odtugkaleidoscope.com.

Early Bird registration is scheduled to end tonight, so if you haven’t registered yet, you have two choices to save $200.00: Register before midnight tonight (2/24/2009), or hope that the Early Bird deadline is extended. Either way, I think if you look at the content, and you are developing applications against the Oracle database, you’ll realize that this is the one conference that you cannot miss this year.

Congratulations to Scott once again! He truly deserves this honor.

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