And the Nominees are…

The ODTUG Board of Directors annually elects around half of the Board for a new two year term. This year, there are five slots open, and 8 outstanding nominees. We have 5 incumbents that have re-submitted their names for consideration: Jerry Ireland, Jeff Jacobs, John King, Bambi Price, and Tim Tow. There are three additional nominees interested in serving on the ODTUG Board: Monty Latiolais, Mark Rittman, and David Schleis.

Who would I like to see on the Board? While I won’t share my personal choices, I think all eight nominees have impressive credentials, experiences, and viewpoints to bring to the Board. They obviously have the desire, drive, and determination in which to represent the ODTUG members. In the end, there are no bad choices. I’d be proud to serve alongside any of these eight nominees. Jerry, Jeff, John, Bambi, Tim, Monty, David, and Mark – I wish you all the best of luck. This should be a great election.

How do you find out more about these candidates? The best way is if you already are acquaintances of these nominees, and talk with them. You can find out a lot of their interests and goals for the organization by talking with them. Their campaign statements and biographies are located http://www.odtug.com/apex/f?p=500:250:0.

Voting is now open through November 2, 2009. For the first time ever, the process is available on-line. On-line voting should enable more people to respond and vote, and will greatly simplify the tabulation process. Many thanks to Wendy Fletcher of the YCC staff, and to Scott Spendolini of Sumner Technologies to implement the change. As it states on the website, if you have any questions or problems when voting, please contactwendy@odtug.com.

One caveat to this voting process is that you must be a paid ODTUG member to vote. This is your opportunity to help shape the Board of Directors for the next two years. It is your responsibility to vote, and if you think that your vote does not matter, well, you’re sadly mistaken. I know that in the recent past there has actually been at least one tie in the voting results. As in any democratic process, your voice will be heard if you submit your vote, so get out there and do it!

OPP/APEXposed (http://www.odtugopp.com/ or http://www.odtugapextraining.com/) registration is going great! Don’t miss out on this amazing training and educational opportunity. Your next best opportunity will be at our annual Kaleidoscope conference next year (about 7 months beyond OPP/APEXposed). Can you afford to wait that long to get the answers that you need on that mission critical project? I didn’t think so…


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